The James D. and Paula J. Kite Foundation

Better living through the use of coupons!!

Jun 26, 2009

Random thoughts...

Today has just been sad for me. You see...I grew up listening to Michael Jackson. In many ways his songs had become a sound track for my life. I remember feeling lonely as a kid, when the song "Ben" would play on the radio...I felt like someone else understood. I turned 21 in 1983. Yes, I went to discos!! You bet we all listened and danced to Thriller!! Am I a huge fan? No, not really...but so much of my life is tied to his music. I pray that Mr. Jackson has found the peace that eluded him in this life.

On a somewhat happier train of thought. I sent a quick email to a couple of ladies in a near by city that have started a weekly column in our news paper. Of course it is a column on couponing!! Well, I was hopeful that they could spread the word further than I that there is a real need at that animal shelter in TX...they wrote me back today...and they have put the word out on their Twitter page!!! Good Work CheapBlondes!!!

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