The James D. and Paula J. Kite Foundation

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Apr 22, 2009

Earth Day!!!

What can you do today to help? Here is what the kids at Ripley Primary did.....

Speaking of Earth Day. Yesterday we were discussing various forms of pollution and what we could do to help clean it up. Trash on the playground was a top contribution, so I said " Do you want to go and pick it up?" they got all excited so I said " let's go!". You would have thought they were finding Easter eggs! We went half way around the school and the class filled their ziploc bags with trash. The only exception were wet things and cigarettes. I told them to be very careful and to stay on the grass. On our way back to the classroom we walked through the building. At first people thought it was candy until they got a closer look and were shocked that it was all trash from our school. We will clean up our own playground today, while our chunkies cool (recycling old crayons by melting them down in the muffin tins i bought at the yard sale by your house).

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